David Horowitz follow-up
Class: History
Subject: history of united states up to 1870
Professor: Susan Westbury
College: Illinois State University
Nature of Complaint: Singled Out, Mocked Political/Religious Figures,
Description of Complaint (please be as detailed as possible, including quotes from your professor where applicable):
The professor will randomly go off subject and complain about Bush. Will make comments about how she can't wait till november. she mainly just constantly makes remarks and jokes about Bush. I feel out of place since the whole class agrees with her. then the class goes on a tangent talking about how they hate bush.
Action Taken:
i do not say anything. just keep it to myself since i believe what they are doing makes them look ridiculous
Response from Professor or Administrator (If Any):
Time of Posting : Friday, February 27, 2004
Response from Abraham: Stand up for yourself, you douche, instead of running to a neocon police unit, and realize that in an America where we have the worst president in 100 years, people are going to want to express their views and will do so in the classroom. BIG FUCKING SURPRISE THAT TRASH BUSH IF THEY ALL HATE HIM!
Class: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Subject: Human Physiology
Professor: Steven Thomas
College: Nashville State Community College
Nature of Complaint: Introduced Controversial Material, Mocked Political/Religious Figures,
Description of Complaint (please be as detailed as possible, including quotes from your professor where applicable):
I am in a physiology class, there is no reason I should know my professor's political affiliation. We have never spoke outside of class. He mentioned the 'disaster last November' when praising the apologist book "We're Sorry" that came out. He made some stupid joke about Bush and most of the class chortled along with him. The worst thing he said was when he was discussing defibrilators (we were discussing the heart). He mentioned that Dick Cheney has a pacemaker that also is a defibrilator. He said, "I can't wait to see that thing go off. I hope it happens on TV". Cheney would have to have a heart attack for his defibrilator to "go off".
Action Taken:
I did not confront the professor. I will after I have passed the class, but I honestly believe it would influence my grade if I let him know how I feel. I do not want to chance it. I'll let him know I didn't appreciate his comments once I pass the class.
Response from Professor or Administrator (If Any):
Time of Posting : Sunday, June 26, 2005
Response from Abraham: I hope it goes off on TV too.
And the kicker:
Class: Creationism
Subject: God
College: Bob Jones University
Nature of Complaint: Required Readings, Singled Out, Introduced Controversial Material, Forced Students, Mocked Political/Religious Figures, Conducted Political Activities, Biased Grading, University Funds,
Description of Complaint (please be as detailed as possible, including quotes from your professor where applicable):
Was repeatedly forced to repeat "darwin is a loon" on all assignments. Any arguments presenting evidence of evolution were denounced as "Satanism". We were also forced watch video's of IDF forces butchering Palestinian kids while the teachers said that "judgment" was being meted out. We were also told that we are not allowed to question the president and that God had appointed him to lead the Christian armies in smiting the Arabs so that we can steal all their oil. We were also told that global warming is fake, and when I presented evidence to the contrary, the teachers accused me of witchcraft.
Action Taken:
dropped out.
Response from Professor or Administrator (If Any):
Sinner Repent
Time of Posting : Friday, February 18, 2005
"Tough nuts" may be a little harsh on this one.
There really is no reason for a physiology teacher to be dissing or praising any political figure in the classroom unless it somehow applies to physiology (unlikely). It wouldn't be outside the student's rights to ask the professor to try and stay on topic.
On the other hand, the preemptive claim that her grade is at risk should be dismissed. This can always be said and isn't verifiable, so it doesn't help either side of the argument. That website should automatically reject any complaint when action taken is, "none."
If the student had spoken up for her own beliefs, and then was put down by the professor, this might be a real reason to complain. But if the student doesn't stand up for her own views, well that student then has no right to complain.....
point is, like you said, speak up for your beliefs if you want to, in a clear, open minded and mature matter.
Why this doesn't come up in peoples heads as the first solution boggles my mind....
I agree competely. This issue just gets me so mad, because they are taking something that should be solved in the schools on a case-by-case basis, and making it into law. I think they hope it will make universities more conservative, but I think it will, if strongly enforced create a crisis, and if the situation isn't remedied, will make good profs leave.
Thin skinned conservative cry babies, I rather like that. Scratch a fascist and find underneith a scrared little kid who wants a big daddy to protect him and keep him safe.
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